It can be difficult to know whether an injury suffered in a car crash or another type of accident warrants calling a personal injury attorney, or if it is something you should handle yourself or leave to your insurance company. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to determine whether or not you have a personal injury case.

Was the Injury Severe Enough that You Had to Go to The Hospital?
If you were transported to the hospital by ambulance or sought medical attention soon after the accident, that is a good sign that it is severe enough to pursue a personal injury claim.
Is the Injury Permanent?
Permanent injuries can change lives. If your injury has impacted your ability to engage in your day-to-day activities, hobbies and more, you may be able to pursue a personal injury claim.
Do You Have Substantial Medical Bills Because of The Injury?
The goal of a personal injury claim is to recover compensation for losses. If you have medical debt that you have to deal with, you may be able to pursue a personal injury claim.
Have You Missed Work Because of The Injury?
Missed work means missed paychecks. If you have missed work or you are not able to return to your previous job because of your injury, you may be able to pursue a personal injury claim.
Was Your Vehicle Totaled?
If you were in a car accident and your vehicle was totaled and towed, it is possible that your injuries were severe and warrant pursuing a personal injury claim.
Was the Injury Caused by The Actions of Somebody Else?
Personal injury claims allow you to recover compensation because of the actions of a negligent party. If nobody was negligent, there is no claim. Keep in mind that, even if you were partially responsible, California’s comparative negligence doctrine may still allow you to pursue a personal injury claim against the party that was primarily responsible.
Has It Been Two Years or More Since You Were Injured?
There are statutes of limitations at play in these cases. If too much time has passed, you may no longer be able to pursue a personal injury claim.
Have You Signed Any Sort of Release Forms from An Insurance Company?
If you have signed a release form from an insurance company or have already accepted a settlement, you may not be able to pursue further action.
If There Is Any Doubt, Talk to A Lawyer. the Consultation Is Free.
At the Kuvara Law Firm, we offer free consultations. This is your opportunity to have us review your case and determine whether you can pursue a personal injury claim. While we want you to understand that not every injury will lead to a personal injury claim, we also do not want you to give up if there is a chance that you are entitled to compensation.